Consultation workshop on the Draft Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights
On September 21 and 22, 2023, in Hanoi, the Copyright Office coordinated with the United Nations Development Program in Vietnam (UNDP) to organize a consultation workshop on the Draft Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights.
Overview of the Conference
Attending the Workshop were members of the Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights Drafting Board and Editorial Team from a number of units such as the Government Office; Government inspector; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Science and technology; Ministry of Industry and Trade; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Information and Communications; Ministry of Justice,…
Ms. Pham Thi Kim Oanh, Deputy Director of the Copyright Department, gave the opening speech
In her opening speech, Ms. Pham Thi Kim Oanh, Deputy Director of the Copyright Office of Vietnam, sent her thanks to UNDP Vietnam for accompanying this Workshop, and said that the Workshop was a good opportunity to directly contribute comment, discussion and complete the content of the Draft Decree. She suggested that delegates focus on discussing a number of contents such as: Supplementing and amending administrative violations, how to express the acts specified in the Draft; framework and fine levels for each specific act specified in the Draft; additional sanctions and remedial measures for each violation; Sanctioning authority for enforcement agencies;…
Ms. Nguyen Minh Chau, representative of UNDP Vietnam
Ms. Nguyen Minh Chau (representative of UNDP Vietnam) expressed her joy at accompanying the Copyright Office of Vietnam to organize the Workshop, contributing to promoting the goal: promoting multi-sectoral interventions to support the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Vietnam. Ms. Chau shares key messages from a humanistic perspective on balancing the rights of copyright owners and beneficiaries: Sanctions need to be consistent with international standards stipulated in the Berne Convention on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886), World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS (1994), WIPO Treaty on copyright (1996) and the Marrakesh Treaty (2013) that Vietnam recently joined; The Decree needs to establish effective implementation procedures; Additional education and awareness-raising measures should be added to prevent violations; Propose tax reductions and exemptions, financial subsidies from the Government, for organizations that produce accessible materials for people with print disabilities.
Mr. Le Thanh Liem, Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Co-chairing the workshop with Ms. Pham Thi Kim Oanh is Mr. Le Thanh Liem, Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Mr. Le Thanh Liem said that the Ministry Inspectorate is the unit that directly handles administrative violations of copyright and related rights, so the promulgation of the Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights is important. Legal grounds for handling specific violations are extremely necessary. He highly appreciated the efforts of the Drafting Board and Editorial Team to develop the Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights.
Mr. Dao Duy Tuan, Deputy Director of the Department of Science, Education and Commune Literature, Government Office and Mr. Nguyen Duc Le, Deputy Director of the Department of Market Management Operations, General Department of Market Management, Ministry of Industry and Trade at the Conference
During the discussion, delegates came from units under the Government Office; Government inspector; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Science and technology; Ministry of Industry and Trade; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Information and Communications; Ministry of Justice;… has given many comments to develop the Draft Decree from many perspectives based on the functions, tasks, and practical experience in the work of each unit.
Delegates from UNDP, Government Inspectorate, Ministry of Justice,… at the Conference
After 2 exciting working days, the Workshop took place successfully. The workshop recorded useful comments, contributing to completing the Draft Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights.