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- 310251Total reads:
- 33Visitors today:
- 81Visitors yesterday:
- 1202Visitors last week:
Sách tạp chí & tài liệu tham khảo
- World Intellectual Property Day: Building our common future with innovation and creativity
- The Prime Minister chairs the National Conference on “Development of Vietnam’s Cultural Industries” in 2023
- Conference to summarize the work in 2023 and implement the work program in 2024 of the Copyright Office of Vietnam
- National conference on “development of cultural industries in Vietnam” in 2023
- Consultation workshop on the Draft Decree on administrative sanctions on copyright and related rights
- Summarizing and evaluating the implementation of Decree No. 21/2015/ND-CP on royalties and remunerations for cinematographic works, fine arts works, photographic works, dramatic works and other performing arts
- Press Release Workshop “Copyright protection in industrial development cinema” within the framework of the XXIII Vietnam Film Festival
Count per Day
- 310251Total reads:
- 33Visitors today:
- 81Visitors yesterday:
- 1202Visitors last week: